RHODE PARTNERS is an award-winning full-service architecture firm providing master planning, architecture, and interior design. Our experience and dedication to client service means that all of our buildings are designed to be extraordinary as well as economical to build, occupy and maintain.
We specialize in a design-forward approach that uses materials in inventive ways to create timeless design solutions within a realistic budget. Our approachability, commitment to collaboration, and delivery of exemplary projects keeps our clients returning.
Our firm has extensive experience in delivering quality civic, multi-family, hotel, office and retail projects that are reinventing the University of Texas campus and the Austin skyline. Our team of passionate, thoughtful professionals share expertise in navigating the Austin-area permitting process and utilize the latest in modeling and construction software to streamline communication across disciplines and in the field.
Brett Rhode, aia leed ap
Founding Partner Director - Design brhode@rhodepartners.com
Bobby Tait, aia leed ap
Senior Partner Director - Design rtait@rhodepartners.com
KAte Meehan
Partner Director of Operations kmeehan@rhodepartners.com
Kate Schneider, RID, LEED AP, IIDA
Senior Associate Senior Project Leader - Interiors kschneider@rhodepartners.com
Senior Project Leader rlejeune@rhodepartners.com
alexer taganas, AIA
Senior Associate Senior Project Designer ataganas@rhodepartners.com
Natalie Andrus, RA
Associate Project Leader nandrus@rhodepartners.com
suhash patel, aia
Associate Senior Project Designer spatel@rhodepartners.com
david larrew, AIA
Senior Project Designer dlarrew@rhodepartners.com
wes haynie, aia
Associate Project Leader whaynie@rhodepartners.com
Project Leader dandries@rhodepartners.com
christian fish
Project Coordinator cfish@rhodepartners.com
Molly strehl
Communication Design Leader mstrehl@rhodepartners.com
Alexandra kurek
Project Coordinator akurek@rhodepartners.com
Project Designer - Interiors lkattapong@rhodepartners.com
Alyssa O’Neal
Designer - Interiors aoneal@rhodepartners.com
Ethan Hagan
Designer ehagan@rhodepartners.com
Studio Coordinator azulas@rhodepartners.com
FFE Specialist jcano@rhodepartners.com